The Key Hack to Maintaining Balance in 2022

If there’s one thing you can’t put a price on, it’s your mental and emotional wellbeing. Think of the ‘oxygen mask’ analogy: if you aren’t good to yourself first, you can’t be any good to others. Here’s an easy and actionable hack for ensuring that self-care doesn’t fall by the wayside in 2022.

First, make a list of 8-12 constructive behaviors that fill your cup and restore you emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually. These behaviors can change depending on the season and throughout the year. Your list may share some commonalities with others, but ultimately should be unique to you. Put it in the ‘notes’ app of your phone for easy reference. Within the notes app, you’re able to add little check-off circles next to each behavior, so you can put a check mark next to the ones you engage in each day.

Here’s my list, as an example…

Once you have your list of 8-12 behaviors laid out, make a point to prioritize engaging in at least three of those behaviors each day. If for some reason you miss a day, try to do an extra one or two the next day- consistency is key ☺ Above all, treat this as an investment in yourself and your overall health- you will never regret taking time to care for yourself.

After prioritizing self-care behaviors for a few weeks, you’ll find that you feel less burnout, less stressed, and like you’re able to more effectively take on whatever your day throws at you.


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